Cultural Capital and PSHE
Cultural Capital is a term to describe the tools that students will need to learn in order to be successful in the world of work, in relationships forged throughout life and as a valued contributor to society as a whole.
These tools consist of knowledge gained, behaviours learned and skills mastered and it is our job to ensure that all learners have the opportunity to develop these attributes through their school experience.
We plan to enrich a student's development in the following areas to increase their 'Cultural Capital balance'.
Personal development at IKB includes:
- Personal, Social and Health Education learning (PSHE). This is achieved through weekly assemblies led by members of SLT, which introduces a PSHE theme that is then followed up in more depth during a tutorial session the following morning. The value we attach to the importance of this subject means we spend more time studying PSHE than guidelines recommend.
- Multiple Year 10 and Year 12 work experience placements in STEM environments arranged by our bespoke work experience team who have created a multitude of links within the local engineering and STEM sector. This focus on work experience and the skill development it offers sets us apart from other education providers in our area.
- Dedicated enrichment weeks for Year 10 students, who visit a range of STEM and culturally significant places in the local area to broaden their horizons and inspire careers discussions.
- Careers advice from a dedicated CIAG member of staff who explores our students' skillsets and explain how they could relate to potential future careers.
- Mock interviews, where local business leaders from our work experience network come into school to conduct formal interviews with students and give detailed feedback on individual students’ strengths and areas where they can improve their public speaking skills and general confidence.
- Well-being provision, where we build nurture groups and offer safe spaces for those who struggle with the pace of modern education. As a small setting, we can identify issues quickly and ensure students who need them receive the correct interventions and referrals.
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) development at IKB includes
- ‘Votes for Schools’ weekly sessions which address all aspects of SMSC, British Values, the Prevent strategy and Personal Development criteria. Pupils enjoy having topical debates and gain a much better understanding of current affairs. As well as inspiring young people to have a voice on many issues it also means that we confidently cover these important values. Each week the vote topic is hotly debated around the school and the Votes for Schools programme creates a real buzz about these key issues covering values such as:
- Understanding human feelings and emotions;
- Developing and Expressing Personal Views on moral/ ethical issues;
- Understanding how communities function and resolving conflict;
- Understanding and respecting diversity;
- How to use anti-bullying strategies to minimise hate and prejudice based bullying;
- Promoting fundamental British values.
- PSHE sessions that cover key SMSC topics regularly and ensure that students are fully aware of the challenges that many face and the benefits of understanding and respecting diversity around the world. Topics are presented by members of SLT and then are developed in discussion based tutor sessions the follow day. Drop down day sessions are used to highlight the importance of certain key topics such as the risks of knife crime and how to identify and avoid dangers relating to ‘County Lines’ drugs trade.
- The use of regular student voice to understand the viewpoint of our students and ensure they have a voice within the school.
- The development of a Student Council, which has been running since the school opened, to debate issues facing the school and addressing student concerns to effect change within our academy.
- Access to the cultures of other countries through the curriculum and through enrichment trips and visits.
- Promotion of racial equality and community cohesion through the school’s ethos, informing all policy and practice.
- Nurture Group Access and referrals to Off the record counselling if needed
- Mentoring plus and Prince’s trust opportunities for identified students
British Moral values development at IKB includes:
- 'Votes for Schools' programme which explicitly covers British values such as:
- An appreciation of the democratic process, including advantages and disadvantages;
- An appreciation that living under the rule of the law protects individual citizens;
- The importance of identifying and combatting discrimination;
- the role of extra-curricular activities to understand faiths and promote British Values.
- PSHE sessions that regularly cover the fundamental aspects of British Values, including ‘drop down day’ sessions where targeted values are addressed in greater detail so students understand their relevance to everyday life.
- Taking part in election processes within the school, such as polling school feeling for recent general elections and the ‘Make your mark’ elections which ask students to vote on the most pressing issues to be discussed each year by the youth parliament.
- The IKB student Council begins each year with speeches and elections for the officer positions within the group. They regularly poll the student body for opinion over school issues so students know that their voice will be heard at IKB.
- Annual IKB debate where a hotly contested topic is debated in the lecture theatre by a year group, using formal debating rules and practises. Past debates have been on the introduction of shorts in the uniform policy and over the use of mobile phones within the academy.