Student Information
At IKB Academy we make every effort to ensure that candidates receive the best possible preparation for their exams, that administrative arrangements run smoothly and that exams are conducted in a way that avoids stress and helps students achieve their best.
The links below will provide information about internal and external exams. We hope this information will help answer the most frequently asked questions as well as guiding and supporting students and parents/carers through the exams process.
The Exams Office staff are:
Internal exams
At IKB Academy, Internal Exams for all years take place in the main exam halls and are conducted in accordance with the regulations laid down by the Joint Council for Qualifications.
External invigilators are employed to supervise the internal exams ensuring students receive the best possible preparation for the formal public exams they will sit in years 11 and 13.
Mock exam dates 2024/25 (please note all of these dates are subject to change)
Year 11 11/11/2024 - 20/11/2024
Year 13 06/01/2025 - 10/01/2025
Year 11 27/02/2025 - 07/03/2025
Year 10 24/04/2025 - 02/05/2025
Year 12 19/06/2025 - 27/06/2025
Year 11 mock exams
Please click here to view the timetable for the year 11 mock exams which start on the 26th February.
2025 Exam Contingency Day 25th June
It is a JCQ requirement that all students sitting GCSEs, A Levels and vocational exams in the summer must make themselves available until the exams Contingency Day, a day set aside in case of exceptional circumstances that require an exam to be rescheduled. The contigency day for this summer is 25th June.
Information for Candidates
Revision and Support
Exam policies
The following exam policies and procedures are available on request from the school's exam office:
IKB has its own catering facilities available to students at break and dinner time. Facilities provide healthy snacks and light meals. We are committed to providing healthy food and support students entitled to free school meals.
Please contact reception for further details or if you wish to speak to the catering manager regarding food allergies.
We believe that homework makes an invaluable contribution to students’ progress and should be used to reinforce or extend what is learned in school as well as to support students to develop effective independent learning habits. Students are expected to undertake homework to the best of their ability and we hope that they will feel a sense of personal satisfaction after completing tasks and from these efforts recognised and celebrated. We ask parents and carers to support us in supporting their child’s independent learning by providing a suitable space for completion of tasks and ensuring that homework is completed on time and with maximum effort.
We understand that homework is often an area of anxiety for students starting at secondary school and we try to do everything we can to help them to manage this transition.
How much homework will my child get?
Students should expect to complete one to two homework activities each school day.
What kinds of tasks will my child be set?
We want homework to be a productive use of students’ time and, where possible, for students to enjoy completing these tasks. Students have told us that they prefer variety in the tasks set and to have choice where possible and so a wide range of tasks and projects are set, ranging from interviews and experiments to research and essay writing. Where appropriate, homework will be set according to student need.
How will my child record their homework?
We know that the vast majority of students prefer to use our Student portal to manage their learning outside the classroom. We have extremely positive student and parent voice about how helpful Insight is for organising student work and managing deadlines. All homework is set using Bromcom so students and parents can easily see what has been set and access any necessary resources and we thank our parents for their support in checking deadlines and helping to ensure homework is completed and deadlines met.
For those students who need extra support with organisation or for where access to the student portal is more difficult, we provide physical personal homework organisers and extra support in time management and organisation.
How will I know how to support my child with their homework?
We ask parents to check the parent portal My Child At School to see what has been set and to have regular conversations with their children about what they are working on. We also provide a homework club after school from Monday to Thursday in the avenue with access to laptops to support tier learning activities.
How do I find out more about Bromcom?
If you have any problems, please email the helpline
In the event of a school closure or should a student be at home self-isolating due to coronavirus, the school recommends the students prepare a daily plan of independent study and use the document associated with their year and follow the subject specific guidance. Should the student be studying courses at Wellsway School or SBL Academy then we recommend they visit their website for guidance on how to independently studied those subjects.
Independent study information
Before the pandemic, approximately one in four people in the UK experienced mental health difficulties annually. In the UK, the number of young people turning up at A&E due to a mental health crisis has tripled over the last decade. Covid-19 will have exacerbated this number substantially.
IKB teach a developmental PSHE curriculum, where students learn about keeping themselves safe and mentally healthy.
All staff at IKB are dedicated to supporting students' wellbeing, but this is a primary focus for the Designated Safeguard Lead, Deputy Designated Safeguard Lead and the Learning Mentor.
If you are struggling and need support, you can talk to our Learning Mentor, ask to speak with IKB's Designated and Deputy Designated Safeguard Leads and/or make use of the below services
Domestic violence
Drug use
Eating disorders
Overall mental health
School Nursing Service
Students can book an appointment with school nurse Fiona McGlynn through their Tutor, Learning Mentor or Head of House or use the Drop in service which is starting Wednesday 16th November 2022 at lunchtime. For more information please see the link below.
Sleep issues
Suicide and self-harm
Voice hearing
Young carers
Young victims
All students have an organiser, which includes a guide to the school’s daily routines and the code of conduct. The times of the school day are as follows:
Monday - Friday |
School starts |
8.45am |
Registration/tutor time |
8.45am - 9.05am |
Period 1 |
9.05am - 10.05am |
Period 2 |
10.05am - 11.05am |
Break |
11.05am - 11.25am |
Period 3 |
11.25am - 12.25pm |
Period 4 |
12.25pm - 1.25pm |
Lunch |
1.25pm - 2.05pm |
Period 5 |
2.05pm - 3.05pm |
School finishes |
3.05pm |
Breaks and lunchtimes
Only Sixth Form students are allowed off site at morning break and lunch. Year 10 and 11 students must stay on site at break time and lunchtime unless parents have signed a consent form allowing the student to go home for lunch. Students with permission must obtain a pass. If you have a pass, you should leave the site the promptly and return for the afternoon session on time. Students should go straight home to their own house and not buy food from local shops.
All students are expected to bring a bag to school each day. This should be suitable to carry all the equipment required for your lessons and large enough to take a laptop, an A4 ringbinder and books. You should always have:
At IKB we operate a two week timetable which is synchronised with Wellsway Schools timetable. This allows us to offer IKB Students a greater choice of subjects at KS4 and KS in the 6th Form.
The IKB Academy operates a house system, we have established three houses which are:
Students will attend a morning registration period between 8.45am and 9.05am, this period is an opportunity for the tutors to relay important information for the day and ensure all students settle and prepare for their learning.
The tutor programme consists of a PSHE/FBV programme in alignment with Wellsway School; this includes a session using the 'vote for schools' application. Students are also exposed to a weekly year group assembly focusing on PSHE topics and are involved in a 'check and read' programme that supports students with vocabulary development and ensuring students are prepared for the day with the correct equipment.
A reward and achievement system is in place at IKB which promotes high expectations and a sense of competition between the houses.
School Nursing Service
Students can book a confidential appointment with school nurse through their Tutor, Learning Mentor or pastoral lead or use the Drop in service which is every Wednesday at lunchtime. For more information please see the link below.
School uniform plays a central role in creating a sense of unity, identity and belonging within our school community. The smart style of our new school uniform reflects the high standards we expect at IKB Academy. School uniform is compulsory for all students in years 10 and 11.
This guidance is intended to support parents in ensuring their child is dressed smartly, in keeping with the high expectations of the school. If you have any queries regarding the uniform code, including requests for financial assistance to buy uniform, please contact any member of the senior leadership team.
IKB Academy uniform and PE kit can be purchased from Monkhouse